Puzzle Breakers Wiki

In Puzzle Breakers, your Castle is the main building that produces the highest amount of Food and Gold for your kingdom. When you enter it, you can view the rate of production per day, as well as your current trophy count, and the Raid log of your recent battles (for both offense and defense).

Collecting Resources[]

You may only collect your resources once every hour from your Castle. Your other resource buildings (Farms, Gold Mines, etc.) allow you to collect your resources instantly, and as often as you'd like.


A player's Castle is exclusively tied to Raids. Here's how it works:

  1. When a player sets up a Defensive team in the Raids menu, they are setting that team to DEFEND the Castle's resources.
  2. If that player gets attacked in a Raid, the opposing player collects whatever resources they are able to extract during the battle.
  3. If they defeat the entire defending team, they take all of the Castle's resources that is available at that time.

What many people do not realize, is that the rest of their kingdom's resources are completely safe from Raids - your Farms, Gold Mines, Gem Mines, and even the resources you've already collected (displayed at the top of your screen). Raids can only loot resources from your Castle.

So if you're on top of your schedule and are able to collect resources from your Castle every hour, you can minimize the amount of resources you lose from other raiding players.

Upgrading your Castle[]

Upgrading your Castle is foundational to your core progression in the game as a player. It is instantaneous and it allows you to upgrade the rest of your buildings (mines, forge, ponds) up to the level of the Castle. The only way to upgrade your Castle further is by completing Campaign missions.

The following table lists the Castle level corresponding to the Campaign level you need to complete. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to help build this table!:

Castle Level Campaign Level
1 6
2 14
3 26
4 42
5 58
6 74
7 90
8 106
9 122
10 130
11 138
12 146
13 154
14 162
15 170
16 178
17 186
18 194
19 202
20 210
21 218
22 226
23 234
24 242
25 250
26 256
(contributing source: Hashpapper, Aztech, Aryk, Kevii, Mytessa)